How to Connect Walmart Data to BigQuery with ETL?

How to Connect Walmart Data to BigQuery with ETL?

Today’s data-driven world requires seamless integration and analysis of massive amounts of data from multiple sources. Business operations, insights, process optimization, and informed decision-making are unified by data integration. Businesses need efficient data integration tools and platforms to digitize.

Sales metrics and customer behavior data are generated daily by Walmart ETL helps companies maximize data. ETL cleans, structures, and prepares data for analysis during migration.

Walmart ETL and BigQuery help businesses turn retail data into actionable business intelligence. This blog will walk you through connecting Walmart data to BigQuery using ETL to maximize your business’s potential.

Understanding Walmart ETL

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) is a fundamental data integration and warehousing concept. Let’s break down its components:

Extract: Data is first “extracted” from source systems. Databases, CRM platforms, flat files, and Walmart are examples of these systems.

Transform: Raw data often needs modification to fit its destination or be more analytically useful. Cleansing, enriching, converting, and more can be part of this “transformation.”

Load: Finally, “load” the transformed data into a target system, like a data warehouse, for storage, management, and analysis.

ETL processes on Walmart data allow businesses to:

  • Standardize Data: Standardize Walmart data for analysis.
  • Improve Data Quality: Remove anomalies, duplicates, and errors to ensure accurate insights.
  • Integrate with Other Data Sources: Combine Walmart data with others to see business operations from all angles.
  • Optimize Storage: Store data efficiently for faster, cheaper retrieval and analysis.

Benefits of BigQuery for Data Analysis

Businesses looking to analyze massive datasets in real-time have quickly adopted Google Cloud’s BigQuery.

Here are some BigQuery data analysis advantages:

Serverless Architecture: BigQuery operates on a serverless model, which means that businesses do not need to manage any infrastructure. This automates data workload-based scaling and reduces server maintenance.

High-Speed Analysis: Google’s infrastructure and Dremel technology allow BigQuery to process terabytes in seconds and petabytes in minutes for real-time insights.

Cost-Effective: With its pay-as-you-go model, businesses only pay for processed data. There is no upfront cost, and daily quotas help control expenses.

Integration with Google Cloud: BigQuery works seamlessly with other GCP services like Dataflow, Dataproc, and more to create a complete data analytics ecosystem.

Advanced SQL: Users can run standard SQL queries, making BigQuery easier to learn for SQL experts.

Built-in Machine Learning: BigQuery ML lets SQL users build and deploy machine learning models, making predictive analytics easier.

Data Security: BigQuery supports VPC service controls, encryption at rest and in transit, and identity and access management.

Step-by-Step Guide to Connect Walmart to BigQuery with ETL

Here is how you can Connect Walmart to BigQuery

Step 1: Extracting Data from Walmart

Walmart data extraction tools:

Walmart API: Walmart provides APIs for sellers and affiliates. These APIs let you programmatically extract order, product, and customer review data.

ETL Platforms: Stitch, Talend, and Fivetran offer Walmart connectors to simplify data extraction.

Web scraping: To access data not available via APIs. You must follow Walmart’s TOS and the robots.txt file.

Data Extraction Best Practices:

Schedule Regular Extractions: Depending on your business needs, schedule daily, weekly, or real-time data extractions to keep your data current.

Troubleshooting: Set up reliable error-handling mechanisms to deal with things like API rate limits, connection timeouts, and inconsistent data.

Secure Data Transfer: Use HTTPS to transfer data securely.

Check API Quotas: If you use Walmart’s API, you should be aware of any rate limits or quotas so that data extraction does not stop.

Step 2: Transforming Walmart Data

Cleaning and Structuring the Extracted Data:

Data Cleaning: Remove duplicates, correct errors, and handle missing values to ensure data accuracy.

Data formatting: Standardize data. Date fields should use YYYY-MM-DD.

Data enrichment: Add details or combine datasets. Combine product and sales data to assess performance.

Data normalization: Ascertain that data values are uniform. For instance, all entries ought to use the same product categories.

Ensuring Data Consistency and Quality:

Validation Rules: Verify data accuracy and consistency. Product IDs should be unique and consistent across datasets.

Audit Trails: Log all data transformations for traceability.

Data Quality Framework: Regularly assess and improve data quality to ensure reliability.

Step 3: Loading Data into BigQuery

Connecting ETL Tool to BigQuery:

Service Account: Create a Google Cloud Service Account with BigQuery permissions.

Configuration: Provide Service Account credentials and the BigQuery target dataset in your ETL tool to configure the BigQuery connector.

Connection Testing: Verify data transfer before loading.

Uploading the Transformed Data to BigQuery:

Batch Loading: If you work with large amounts of data, consider batch loading to improve performance and cut costs.

Streaming Data: Use BigQuery’s streaming functionality to load data as it is generated for real-time analytics.

Schema Mapping: Check that the transformed data schema corresponds to the target schema in BigQuery. If there are discrepancies, make the necessary adjustments.

Monitor Load Jobs: Keep an eye on the data loading process, looking for errors or failures and dealing with them as soon as possible.

Optimization: After loading data, partition tables or cluster BigQuery to improve query performance.


Data analysis transforms businesses, especially retail, in the digital age. Walmart collects a lot of data that can reveal market trends, customer behavior, and operational efficiency. By integrating Walmart data with Google Cloud’s BigQuery using ETL, businesses can gain actionable intelligence. This integration ensures data quality, consistency, and real-time insights while simplifying data analytics. Walmart ETL and BigQuery can help you make better decisions and grow your business, whether you are a new e-commerce company or a retail giant. Such integrations are helpful and necessary in today’s data-driven society.

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